Spiritual Cleansing

Hello my dear friends,
Wishing everyone a belated Happy Valentine's Day! As I get older I notice how quickly time seems to past . In a blink of an eye Spring will be upon us,and we all know what that means. You got it! Time for some "Spiritual Cleaning".To those of you who
don't quite understand the meaning of "Spiritual Cleansing",please allow me to explain. There are different types of "Spiritual Cleansing",and several ways to it. You can cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. You also cleanse your home (personal space). The purpose of both types of cleansing is to get rid of negative energy.
Now that have I explained the what ,and why a bit, please feel free to do your own research,I am going to merely suggest some methods you may be interested in using.One of the easiest method I often use is; burning white sage. I light it, outline the doorway in the particular room we have the most spirit activity,slowly walk in each corner,and throughout the entire room while saying an incantation.
You can also use garlic, or burn certain types of incense. Again, I recommend doing some research to find what method works best for you as an individual. Whatever method you may choose,I wish you well. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
Peace and Luv to all of you,
Maria M