"Spirits of Deceit"

July 18, 2017
1 John 4: 1 -3 (NKJV)
4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
“Spirits of Deceit”
Hello everyone,
I hope all is well, and you can find fun and safe ways to enjoy your summer. I am quite sure some of you have notice I started my article with a scripture. Please don’t let this alarm you, and I apologize if it was offensive in any shape or form. As usual, there is a method to my madness.
As a person who’s been experiencing the” Paranormal” throughout my life, I am constantly searching and researching for answers to better understand what or why these occurrences’ happen. Sure, many has studied it from a scientific approach, but it just wasn’t adding up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking down this type of research, I just felt as though it must be more to it that perhaps we were overlooking.
Ok, so, with being said, I believe in some of my earlier post I had mentioned how my family and I experienced several encounters at our home., However, I had noticed whenever we conducted bible study on a regular basis, the visits slowed down. As a matter of fact, my sister hasn’t seen her 18th century cleaning lady in about 2 months.
Well, that got me thinking, exactly who are these “spirits’? Not only the ones in our home, but I use to ask myself, how is it possible for people who live in different places report seeing the same spirit? For example: A lady in white? Or the man wearing a black hat” Something wasn’t adding up.” Hmmm”.
At our next study I had to ask the question, “So, does the bible support the Paranormal? To my surprise, the answer was, “yes”. It speaks on spirits quite extensively. The last I place ever would’ve looked for information was right in front of me. Because of society pretty much putting a gag order on talking about religion, very few are probably aware of this extremely important knowledge.
This all may sound like nonsense now, but I promise if you stick with me, in a few months it will all come together. No, I am not attempting to get ANYONE to go religious. I have already singled out each text I want to share with you. It is entirely up to the individual which way you choose to go.
The point I am trying to make today is, we are being deceived by these spirits. They are not our family, a lost soul or otherwise. When we die, our souls go to heaven or hell. Again, it is your choice in what you believe. In the end, as Paranormal Investigators, we are all seeking out a common denominator. We all want the truth. Please feel free to contact me with question, comments or insights. NO NEGATIVITY!
Peace and Luv