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March Madness

Hello my friends,

As always hope all is well with everyone. Yes, we are into the month of March, which is awesome for you basketball fans. However, I know nothing about the sport. Therefore I shall stick to writng about what I know: the afterlife. March has been a very busy and exciting month for me. I decided to become a Certified Field Investigator. The class is extremely informative. I will share my knowledge with you shortly. Being a person who has contact with the spirit world, I felt it best to learn as much as possible to understand what I am dealing with. For instance; I never knew why I was unable to photograph a spirit.I thought I was doing something wrong until I took this class. Photographs are not a reliable source of a ghost encounter because of a few different reasons. One main reason is, there are a ton of apps out now which actually look like real spirits. People submit these photos online or to other places and they are debunked very quickly. If a spirit wants to be seen, it materializes. If it wants to have it picture taken, it will make it happen, or we can will it to happen with our psychic abilities.

Something else I found kind of interesting was a ghost can be in a room with several people at the same time, yet only one or two individuals may see it. It’s all about the conscience and unconscious mind.

We will always have skeptics, that is a given. I too am a skeptic when it comes to certain subjects. Everyone has different beliefs or approach their beliefs in various ways. I’m sure I wouldn’t believe in ghost if my family wasn't blessed with the gift of being able to see and connect with the spirit world.

To all of my sisters and brothers of the Paranormal World I would like to say in closing, don’t allow anyone nor anything negative to deter you from continueing with your passion and work for the Paranormal.As long as we believe in what we are doing that’s all that matters.Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from our forever growing community.

Be safe while doing your investigations,and don’t be afraid of the dark, remember, every shadow you see may not be a ghost.

Peace and Luv to All

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